Sunday, August 26, 2012

Carry The One Book Club Ideas

My book club chose Carry the One by Carol Anshaw this month.  I'm not hosting so I don't have to put as much effort into it, but I love the whole process of coming up with ideas for parties so I'm going to write them down anyway.

We didn't do any decorating for this meeting, but you could go with a "1" theme (use up that extra stuff from baby's 1st birthday party maybe?) or a psychedelic theme would also be cool.  I thought Nick was a pretty fascinating character.

To be honest I don't think we've ever had enough time to decorate! 

Food & Drink
I tried to think of something that would be somber, and I decided on Mocha Mama Cookies from Vegan Cookies Invade Your Cookie Jar.  I've heard that coffee is sobering (I hate coffee so I have no first hand experience.)  I also found recipes for Nutty Wedding cookies, which hits on the beginning of the book, or you could make chocolate chip cookies because they are often a favorite of 10 year olds.

From the morbid perspective, one member's family suggested red velvet cupcakes.  I'll let you figure that one out.  But since it was a child that died, they decided against it.

Another member voiced the idea that you could make brownies and tell everyone they are special *wink*.  But don't actually serve special brownies unless you're letting people stay over!

Here's the spread we had:

In our book club the hostess always serves the savory stuff and the drinks.  And even though we brought sweets we mostly stuck to the savories.  Maybe it had something to do with the tone of the book?

Music did play a big role in one character's life: Nick. I was not hostessing this month so I did not look up what music was listed.

Well, you *could* dress up in pink & green plaid and mocassins.  Double points to you if you find some and wear it out of the house.

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